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About my holiday in Turkey. Oh my god! It was such a nice time.

End of August I randomly decided to go on holiday. One of the first destinations that came to my mind was Turkey. i booked my flights and off I went. First few days I stayed in magical Istanbul, visited Hagia Sofia, got on a boat trip and literally walked my sandals off exploring the city.

All these photos were taken on the streets of Istanbul on the first day. It seems like you are in a fairy tale, Bazaars, street sellers, sweets, lanterns, carpet shops, markets, simits, kebabs, restaurants...and crowds of tourists. Hundreds and thousands of tourists.

The architecture of the city, historical part Sultanahmet is kept as original as possible. Narrow cobbled streets, old buildings, ruins, memorials and shops still keep the stamp of history. You can almost feel the presence of Sultans and his Hareem, princesses, princes, guards, slaves...

Visiting Hague Sofia

Hague Sofia is a unique place, with absolutely stunning architecture, history, legends,

The professional guide, who spoke perfect Russian, introduced the history of the cultural Mekkah in Istanbul in 45 minutes In a nicely organised tour and invited us for a boat trip on Bosphorus. ( I watched a BBC program about Hagia Sofia before I went to Turkey. So I was I kinda knew what to expect, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I was absolutely blown away by the grandness and the scale of it Definitely worth visiting).

Visit Turkey and not to visit Grand Bazaar?

I couldn’t miss the chance, lol.

You could possibly spend all day, walking along the market shops, trying baklavas, lukums, perfumes, teas and spices. If you happen to buy something, then you get offered tea or coffee, traditional sweets.

And the last but not least, food glorious i food!

You definitely should try food on the street markets, little tea rooms and restaurants. You would get a little basket of warm, toasted bread, a bowl of salad or meze before you even choose your meal.

I am definitely coming back Istanbul!

Love forever!

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Очень красивая страна. Люди очень дружелюбные, особенно на базарах, в кафе. Чувствуется какая-то расслабленная атмосфера. Мужчины часто сидят на улице, практически посреди улицы, на пешеходном переходе и пьют чай ☕️, обсуждают какие-то дела, делятся новостями. Очень классная атмосфера 🥰🥰🥰


Sep 13, 2019

Молодец Нилуфар! Я рада за вас! Спасибо за фотографии, буд то я побывала в этой сказочной стране.

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