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Have you seen my book?

Have you actually seen my book? Have you tried my recipes?

I will be experimenting and adding on to my favourite recipes. One of them is Broccoli with lemon and garlic. It is so simple and easy to make, quickly made and eaten before you know it. My partner said that it's the best way to eat broccoli. I trust him, he is a fussy eater :)

Well, this is the recipe:

1 broccoli broken into florets

juice of 0.5 a lemon

1-2 cloves of garlic diced finely


Heat the oven to 185'C

Place your broccoli florets on the sheet pan

Sprinkle the lemon juice

Just a sprinkle of salt

Add the diced garlic

Bake in the oven for 10-15 min depending on your oven.

They come out slightly browned up but still crunchy, yummy.

I normally let them cool and snack on them, then put it away in air-tight container. Usually, it doesn't get that far :)

You can use broccolini. It work just fine.

Once you have roasted your broccoli or broccolini, you can store them away, use for your lunch boxes or just snack on them. It's full of goodness.

This is how it looks before going into the oven.

Just a squeeze of a lemon juice makes such a difference. It brings out all the flavours and makes broccoli delicious.

If you have any leftovers, store them away in an airtight container. I personally love it hot or cold. Delicious...

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