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My hummus on yesterday‘s Health and Wellness roadshow was an absolute winner! Would you like a recipe which is surely easy to make, tastes better than the store bought ones. Not my words but the visitors, although I swear by it. It really is delicious and 100% healthy! Trust me on this one.

Here we go.


🔻400 gr of tinned chickpeas ( you can cook them yourself but you will need to soak them overnight, rinse and boil for a couple of hours till chickp are very soft, almost mushy. Better avoid the hassle and get yourself a tin. It works just fine). Keep some liquid from the tin to add if you find chickpea mash to dry.

🔻2 tsp of Tahina paste - sesame seed paste ( you can find at most supermarkets)

🔻cumin seeds to taste

🔻lemon juice 1-2 tbs

🔻3-4 tbs of good olive oil. Save a teaspoon for serving and sprinkle on the top.

🔻pinch of salt

Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blitz till smooth. If too grainy, add some water from the tin. I like adding some coriander or parsley but it is up to you really. Add some olive oil on the top and serve with some cut up vegetables Or which ever way you prefer 😊

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