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New testimonials from my clients.

I have been working with a few ladies and we achieved these wonderful results. Listen to what they say:

Julie: “I am so glad we are working together! I have so much more energy, feel good about myself. Not only have I lost a stone and a half of weight in 12 weeks, but most importantly my doctor took me of most of my hypertension meds as well. My cholesterol levels are considerably lower. I am feeling like a new person, have more energy and vitality energy is through the roof at the moment. I would like to continue and have signed up for another 12 weeks.”

I cannot be happier by the results Julie has achieved. We are not stopping here. See where we get in another 12 weeks...

Jamilya is another client of mine. Feeling fatigued and lethargic at times, with extra few pounds of weight, yo-yo dieting and giving up each time, eating compulsively and putting on weight.... Last year Jamilya signed up for my 12 weeks Program and see what we have achieved:

” I signed up for 12 Weeks Program and renewed it straight after 12 weeks. So, I actually worked 24 weeks with Nilufar. I have lost 10 kg of weight and my energy is through the roof at the moment. I wake up at 5 am and go running, yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️ and then go to work. I eat healthily, cook my meals in advance and love being active. I feel good about myself and so glad I took a chance and turned my life aroun.

Natalie: “ I thought, I would give it a go and see what happens. I had signed up for 12 weeks Program and didn’t expect anything. I thought it would be some sort of a diet but would it work for me or not... I absolutely loved it!!! I ate and I lost weight?! How did this happen? I never used to eat this much, would skip my meals, feel depleted and still had a few pounds to lose.., My confidence wasn’t great after having a baby....

After 12 weeks with Nilufar, I feel great about myself and going on a holiday with my family. I won’t be covering myself on the beach, for sure, ha ha. I feel confident now and will continue eating healthily, enjoy eating out and be myself. I have so much energy now..”

Julie K: “ I didn’t think I should‘ve been eating to lose weight. Instead, I used to starve myself. Nilufar proved me wrong. I love the way I look. I am more energetic and healthier. Thank you“

I absolutely love what I do and love getting results with my ladies. It’s rewarding both of us. If you want to achieve the results like my ladies, feel good about yourself, eat healthily and get your confidence back, please get in touch.

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